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These Terms apply to Physical Artworks, and Digital Artworks represented on NFT’s purchased via the Gallery. As a condition of browsing, using and purchasing from the Gallery, you agree to the following terms and conditions ( Terms).Offer Works and NFT’s for sale, as well as facilitate the purchase of Works and NFTs.Promote the Physical Artworks, Digital Artworks and NFT’s of artists and.Provide an online gallery for Physical Artworks, Digital Artworks and NFT’s.The Urth online gallery, located at 5/74 Centennial Circuit, Byron Bay, NSW, 2481, Australia ( Gallery), is owned, controlled and operated by Gobe Corp Pty Ltd (ACN 163 651 081) ( Urth, we, our, and/or us).The Urth online gallery ( Gallery) is an online space where artists ( Artists) can offer for sale physical works ( Physical Artworks) and digital artworks ( Digital Artworks) (collectively Works) represented on non-fungible cryptographic tokens ( NFT’s) to collectors, users and members of the public ( you).If you have a Sony A7r, a quick search shows it has a Sony E-mount. If you have an old second hand lens and you are unsure of the camera it was made for, take all the known details of the lens and search the web.Ī quick internet search of the camera model followed by lens mount is the quickest way to confirm your camera’s lens mount. This is particularly useful for lenses that are made for different mounts i.e Sigma and Tamron bring out the same lens with different mounts including EF, F, E so knowing the camera the lens was used on is a good shortcut. For example if you have an old Nikon lens and you know it was used on a Nikon FM2, you can easily find that the lens has a Nikon F-mount. A quick internet search of the camera model followed by lens mount is a sure way to confirm what lens mount you need. The easiest way to find and confirm your lens mount is to know the mount of the camera it was used on originally.

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Find your lens mount and your camera mount.

Shoot point blank promo code